Udgivet d. 24. maj 2022
On behalf on the _by Design community, you are invited to take a walk through a city like Copenhagen in 2040 an explore the energy sector's touchpoints with future needs.
You will get a sneek peek into what it can mean for your business, delivering or managing energy in a city based on renewable energy.
The _by Design community is an initiative by the partners; 1508, Monstar-Lab,m KPMG and EGGS Design. Apart from contributing to exploring solutions, you can expect to connect with, learn from and get inspired by others working towards a succesful energy transition.
_by Design workshop event
June 13th
3 pm - 7 pm
EGGS Design
ST. Kongensgade 59D
1264 Kbh K
15-16 Keynotes
16-18 Workshops
18-19 Food and presentations
If you're interested in participating, please contact Mikkel Rohde Madsen to secure you spot.